Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Satellite Phone Plans

Satellite phone service providers offer various phone plans to their customers to make their mark known. The satellite phone plans should be selected by the user to best suit his needs and requirements. There are prepaid phone plans, monthly plans, and hibernation plans offered by various satellite phone companies.

The various criterions that one should keep in mind is to first choose a satellite phone, then choose a satellite phone service provider and then choose a plan. You can choose between buying new or used satellite phones and renting one. Once you have chosen to buy, then you can select the provider. Satellite telecommunication companies present competitive plans and varied coverage zones. Before selecting any plan, you need to make sure the service provider offers coverage wherever you go and need to use your phone.

Many satellite phone service companies come up with novel package deals, prepaid calling cards, free e-mails, and free text messaging. Various plans charge the customers by the amount of minutes they use. Heavy users may use these phones a lot for communication, whereas light users use their phones sparingly. Thus these plans help customers pay only for what they have used and thus avoid a mandatory monthly bill.

The liberty plans are suitable for emergency management or seasonal customers who use phone lines only in certain situations, but their usage is highly important. Service plans of some satellite phone companies offer no fees for short messaging services and voice mails.

Certain satellite telecommunication companies also devise plans that provide no outgoing calls, but allow unlimited in coming calls. And there are express data phone plans that allow the user to transmit their data at high speeds. The normal transmission speed of data is 9.6 Kbps, but the express plan supplies its customers with 56 Kbps speed.

Burst plans are provided by satellite phone providers wherein there are incremental minutes that the user can use when he exceeds a certain limit of call minute or call costs. Hence, it acts like a bonus for heavy customers and they get a bonus from the calls they make and can use these extra minutes of service for free of cost.

Latest Satellite Video Phones

Satellite video phones have a wide range of usage right from wars to domestic needs. They are highly efficient in beaming live footage of war from war-ridden nations where other modes of communication have failed. War correspondents and journalists use these phones to transmit news from places that do not have cellular coverage.

Today satellite video phones are not just restricted to war usage, but have made large inroads into the domestic sector as well. These days, video phones are deployed in ambulances and petroleum installations, located in remote areas, and in other varied applications.

The major advantage of satellite video phones is that it can broadcast live from any part of the world. The phone has a wide market right from storm chasers to medical fraternity. Besides the live video and normal voice call features, the satellite video phones also have video conferencing. This technological advancement allows one to transmit data and video from remote places.

The satellite video phones have excellent picture quality suitable to 64 or 128 kbps Integrated Services digital Network (ISDN), because they use compression algorithms to make the video excellent. You can also transmit high quality audio signals and low speed pictures. Satellite video phones use custom designed input output processor which optimizes the transmission and provides video signals for both professional and domestic phone connections.

Satellite phone connections are easy to set up in places like war fields or during expeditions. A flat surface, free of dust and grime, should be ideal to situate a satellite video phone. Then you should tune in the phones for peak signal, which is usually quick and easy. The process involves setting up the satellite video phone, dialing up to the satellite and then broad casting starts in about five minutes.

Initially, satellite video phones cost a whopping $50,000 and weighted above 100 pounds. Today, the latest phones hardly weigh 10 pounds and are much smaller in size.

Satellite video phones are recommended for use who need portable and reliable systems to deliver high precision video coverage from anywhere in the world.